Week 10 - Intensify the Gains - Thrower Preseason Training
Week 10 is where we increase the weight just a little bit (5% max) and try to get as many reps as possible on the last set. This should leav

Week 9 - My Quads Are On Fire - Thrower Preseason Training
This week we move to doing 80% of the heaviest weight we have done so far this season for 5 sets of 3 reps.

Week 8 - Let's Talk About Your 2 Rep Max - Thrower Preseason Training
Week 8 is very much more of the same. Kind of a boring step up from last week. You need to master the mundane and get used to doing the same

Weeks 6 and 7 - Your two hardest weeks so far - Thrower Preseason Training
Week 6 and week 7 of the thrower preseason training workouts. These workouts are the hardest so far in the 13 week plan and designed to get

Week 5 - Thrower Preseason Strength Training Made Easy!
Week 5 of our preseason training is designed to add a little more volume and get you prepared for our third 3-week training block.

Weeks 3 and 4 - Thrower Preseason Strength Training Made Easy!
Weeks 3 and 4 of the free preseason training program for throwers looking to get stronger for the start of their season.

Week 1 and 2 - Thrower Preseason Strength Training Made Easy!
In 3 months you'll be starting your track season. Here are the first two weeks of a free 13 week preseason program guaranteed to get you

Be Prepared! Don't Choke at the Big Meets!
This time of year I get emails from coaches and athletes asking how to stop anxiety, how to throw farther at the big meets, and how to stop

The Necessary Ingredients to Make a Great Thrower
Building a thrower is like creating a great recipe. There are a lot of ingredients. What drives me crazy are the coaches that look for...

Maximize Your Time in the Weight Room
If you feel like you're one of these coaches, here are some strategies to streamline your time in the weight room.